
Mayelana NATHI

Uzobhekana nebhizinisi neqembu elithembekile kakhulu.

Ukufika okusha

Application range The Nernst R series non-heated high temperature oxygen probe is used to directly measure the oxygen content in various sintering furnaces, mesh bag furnaces, powder metallurgy sintering furnaces, and petrochemical industries. Ukushisa kwegesi okusebenzayo kwe-Flue kububanzi ku-700 ° C ~ 1400 ° C. The outer protective material is aluminum oxide (corundum). The probe can be directly connected to Nernst's oxygen analyzer. It can also be equipped with oxygen analyzers and oxy...
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Application range The Nernst N2032 oxygen analyzer can directly monitor the oxygen content in the flue gas during or after the combustion of boilers, furnaces, and kilns. Application characteristics After using the Nernst oxygen analyzer, users can reduce a lot of energy consumption, control environmental pollution, ensure safe production and extend the service life of the equipment, and recover all investment in a short time. Inqubo yokulawula ukuhlanganiswa kwe-peroxygen inganciphisa i ...
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  • I-power plant
  • I-Curamic Courting

    I-Curamic Courting

    High temperature tunnel kiln, the temperature is very high, up to 1400 ℃, using Nernst high temperature probe, can be directly inserted into the furnace of high temperature kiln, directly detect the real-time oxygen content in the furnace, can accurately control product quality and reduce energy consumption. Shuttle kiln, need to measure oxygen continuously from room temperature to 1200 ℃, using Nernst injection type oxygen probe, can accurately measure oxygen content. Sicela uxhumane nemininingwane.

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  • Ukusebenza kokudla
  • Kokubili imishini ye-Litthophys kanye nezindawo zokuvalwa okusheshayo zidinga ukulinganiswa okunembile komoya-mpilo. Nernst's portable trace oxygen analyzer is easy to operate and accurate in oxygen measurement and can be integrated into the device.

    Funda kabanzi
  • I-power plant
  • I-Curamic Courting
  • Ukusebenza kokudla
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Ukuqonda izici ezisebenzayo zengxenye ngayinye yomoya-mpilo kanye nohlaziyi ovuthayo wegesi ovuthayo kungakusebenzisa kangcono

Ukuqonda izici ezisebenzayo zengxenye ngayinye yomoya-mpilo kanye nohlaziyi ovuthayo wegesi ovuthayo kungakusebenzisa kangcono

I-oksijini kanye negesi evuthayo ye-pur compont complent analyzer iyithuluzi elisebenzayo lokutholwa kwegesi elingathola ngasikhathi sinye okuqukethwe komoya-mpilo kanye nokuhlushwa kwegesi okuvuthayo emvelweni. Ithuluzi lisebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bezinzwa ze-zirconia, eline-characte ...

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