Ibanga lesicelo
umoya ohlanzekileicala lolo munye nomaIsetshenziselwa ukukala okuqukethwe komoya-mpilo ezindaweni ezihlukene ze-mintering, ama-powder metallurgy detetering foutering kanye nezinto zokushisa zokushisa. The applicable flue gas temperature is in the range of 700°C~1200°C. Izinto zokuvikela ezingaphandle ziyi-superlloy.
The probe can be directly connected to Nernst's oxygen analyzer. It can also be equipped with oxygen analyzers and oxygen sensors produced by other companies. Le khasi-30
Ukucaciswa kanye namapharamitha wezobuchwepheshe
•Isifanekiso: L uchungechunge izinga lokushisa eliphakathi nendawoumoya ohlanzekileicala lolo munye noma
•Impahla ye-Shell: Superlloy
•Isicelo segesi yokushisa igesi
•Ukulawulwa kokushisa
•Ukufakwa nokuxhumeka
• : Iphampu yegesi e-analyzer inikezela cishe ngo-50 ml / min. Sebenzisa igesi yensimbi bese unikeza igesi ngokucindezela ukunciphisa i-valve kanye nokugeleza kwemitha yokugeleza okunikezwe ngumsebenzisi. The manufacturer provides the PVC connecting pipe from the float flowmeter to the sensor and the connector at the sensor end with the transmitter.
•Ipayipi lokuxhuma kukagesi: Ipayipi le-PVC elinobubanzi obungaphandle kwe-1/4 "(6.4mm) kanye nobubanzi obungu-4 (mm).
•: The sensor has an air inlet that can pass check gas. Lapho ingahloliwe, ivaliwe yinqwaba. Lapho ulinganisa umoya, izinga lokugeleza lilawulwa cishe nge-1000 ml ngomzuzu. Umenzi uhlinzeka ngo-1/8 "
•Impilo yebhethri ye-zirconium: Iminyaka engu-4-6 yokusebenza okuqhubekayo. It depends on the flue gas composition and temperature.
• Vova: Ngaphandle kokuhlunga
• : ¢ 18 (mm)
•I-Profe Gunction Box lokushisa:
•: Uhlobo oluqondile lwe-plug socket noma i-socket ye-avation.
• Ubunzima
Imodeli ejwayelekile | ||
L0250 | 250mm | |
L0500 | L0500 (ex) | 500mm |